The main thing girls are looking for are LOOKS?? Is that really what you meant? If so, then no, not at all! The main thing that girls & women want in a boy/man, girl/woman isnt just looks. They want some1 who will treat them with respect, make them happy, support them, be true to them, some1 they can trust, and not betray their friendship/bond. They may also go for looks @ the same time, but what they want most is some1 with a great personality and attitude. It is VERY rare for a woman to want a friend only for their looks and not their personality. The same goes for girls, boys, and men. They also want someone to be true to them and respectful to them! They too may want good looks, but mainly, they want some1 who has a great personality. If the person treats the girl, boy, man or woman or all four with respect, that person will want to be treated the same way in return. I have a friend whom I have know since elementary school. He is 3 years older than me, and we never, EVER have gotten in any fights, not even in any small arguments, and that is because he and I treat each other with the same level of respect. He makes me laugh whenever he clowns around or makes an extremely terrible joke. I do the same to make him laugh too. He is strong, but he is not a total Mr. Macho Man with ribbed abs, perfectly toned muscles, etc. He is slender and not seriously attractive. I him mostly for who he is and not just for what he looks like. But if you didnt really mean it the way it looked like to me, then nevermind...
x:::L0rd:Marshal:GrAnItE:::x about How To Make a Girl Laugh